
How Fenix will take your brand to the next level

step one

Discovery and Strategy Session

We sit down with you and workout your digital marketing needs and create content around what your business does, who you are, what you sell, where people can find you etc and how best to get that out to your target customers.

close of of person explaining something at a meeting table
photograph of a home studio set up with computer and lighting set up
step two

Content Creation

We create agreed content and post production services ready for your social media medial and implementation strategy. Content creation includes interviews, support footage (i.e. products, engaging with customers, specials) walk through to locations.

step three

Implementation and Launch Guide

We provide expert advice on distribution and implementing strategies to gain the biggest impact from the content created.

photograph of a home studio set up with computer and lighting set up
photograph of a home studio set up with computer and lighting set up
step four

Monitoring and follow up

We set a time and review the social media engagement and follow up on your business growth and what steps can be taken next.

Contact us

We are excited that you want to work with us. Let's make something great together.

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Human hand holding a camera lens filter in red and blue light.
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